I'm always too late
I see the train leaving
I'm always laughing
When it's not cool to smile
I'm always aiming
But somehow keep missing
So how did you get here
Something is wrong
Where did I go right
How did I get you
How come all this blue sky is around me
And you found me
Where did I go right
How did I get you
I don't know how I did
But somehow now I do
I'm always driving
Forget where I'm going
Should have turned left
But I was singing some song
And I, I am arriving
As everyone's leaving
But there you are waiting
Something is wrong
Makes no sense to me
No it isn't clear
But somehow you're standing here
Something gets to me
It's that nothing is wrong
Selasa, 01 April 2008
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 01.19 0 komentar
Label: where did i go right??
Today I'm gonna ride away
And feel the sun throughout my hair
Finally free to be who I wanna be
Who that is I don't really care
'Cuz I've got friends who love me
Blue skies are above me
My blonde hair is everywhere
Sweet sixteen
Gonna spread my wings
Sweet sixteen
It's my chance to shine
Sweet sixteen
Sweet sixteen
So much more to life
Sweet sixteen
Drivin' down to the club where we go to dance
Radio is blastin' and the top is down
There ain't nothin' in my way
'Cept the traffic of L.A.
And I've got friends who love me
Bright stars shine above me
My blonde hair is everywhere
Mamma loves me and a sister who shows me, and a daddy's always there
I wanna know what it feels like
I need to see it from the inside
I can taste a bit of what I will find
So much more to life
Sweet sixteen
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 01.17 0 komentar
Label: sweet sixteen
Today I'm gonna ride away
And feel the sun throughout my hair
Finally free to be who I wanna be
Who that is I don't really care
Cuz I've got friends who love me
Blue skies are above me
My blonde hair is everywhere
Sweet sixteen
Gonna spread my wings
Sweet sixteen
It's my chance to shine
Sweet sixteen
Sweet sixteen
So much more to life
Sweet sixteen
Drivin' down to the club where we go to dance
Radio is blastin' and the top is down
There ain't nothin' in my way
'Cept the traffic of L.A.
And I've got friends who love me
Bright stars shine above me
My blonde hair is everywhere
Mamma loves me and a sister who shows me, and a daddy's always there
I wanna know what it feels like
I need to see it from the inside
I can taste a bit of what I will find
So much more to life
Sweet sixteen
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 00.34 0 komentar
hillary duff.......
nie orng yg keren abiz....
fuih kerenn bgt lah pokoknamah..
tar ya paz reunian lagi aq dah berubah jadi penerus hillary...
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 00.11 0 komentar
Any moment, everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute, all the world can wait
Let go of your yesterday
Can you hear calling
Can you feel it in your soul
Can you trust this longing
And take control
Fly, open up the part
Of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forgot about the reasons why you can't enlight
And start to try
Cause it's your time, time to fly
All your worries, leave them somewhere else
Find a dream you can follow
Reach for something, when there's nothing left
And the world's feeling hollow
Can you hear calling
Can you feel it in your soul
Can you trust this longing
And take control
And when your down and alone
Just wanna run away
Trust yourself and don't give up
You know your better than anyone else
Any moment, everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute, all the world can wait
Let go of yesterday
Fly, forgot about the reasons why you can't enlight
And start to try
Cause it's your time, time to fly
Any moment, everything can change
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 00.06 0 komentar
Label: fly....
Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008
sudah lama aq gag bka blogger
duh mau un nie
doakan yaw...
supaya bza msk 8
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 00.52 0 komentar
Kamis, 21 Februari 2008
Senin, 11 Februari 2008
duhh td ulangan mat susah bgt neh......kepala ampe puyeng..
mna bzuk ad ul biologi,fisika truzz ad test b.ingg...
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 22.50 0 komentar
Selasa, 05 Februari 2008
huhh akhirnya pagelaran udahan sdh jg sch cz nty qt gg akn gni lg klo dah msk sma...
truz pz pgelaran rme bgt yah walo gg t'lalu b'hasil tp pz wktw tu krasa bgt kekeluargaannya.....
hehehe bodor bgt qt tu kyk tnang gtu klo d lyat dr luar,,pdhl huh d dlmnya mah brisik abizzzz ad yg triak"kecewa pkknya macem" dgh..
apalagi pz maw vg pnontonnya ggb te pd kmn ilang gitu jd tnggl dktn...duh aduhhh tp pz klas qt dah s'lesai qt smwa triak" ngancur'rin kapal TAPI aq gg bgitu sneng cz celana aq ilang....huuhhh tu cel pk ilang tp untungnya k'temu tnyata celana aq kebawa ma tmen....duh aq ampe jantungan da cz kostum yg aq pk tu serba pth trus dpt minjem lg,,mknnya aq hrz nyari tu celana yg ilang..
pz ktemu aq girang bgt..ampe loncat" hehehe truz qt gokil"lan dg d klkaz
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 21.51 0 komentar
Label: pagelaran yg indah
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 21.41 0 komentar
Selasa, 15 Januari 2008
waktu sd aq pnya sobat mrk toe baik-baik smwa qt tu 10 orng tp qt bagi jd 2 kel!!wktk sd qt tu g tau geng"an tu g baik jd dengan polosnya kita buet geng,,emank sich wktw sd d klas qt tu ber geng gitu tapi qt g musuhan!!qt knal sma smwa tmen!!
nma kel aq tu yuporiks ktnya sich d ambil dr nama latin gtu,,anggotanya aq,mike,khairina,sma agnes.....
trus yg satu lg nmanya drakula anggotanya icha,mirna,annisa,lisa,feby,sama adis.....qt tu kompak bgt lo!!klo istirahat qt jarang jajan yp qt main main gtu!!rame bgt aq jg g nyangka qt bza akrab truss wktw kloas 3 qt tu pnya game yg konyol abizz
tu game tu bza bkin qt skt ati cz tu game tu musuhan tp scara b'gilir,,hehehe tu game plng tolol yg pnah ad
truz wktw klaz 6 qt tu pnah nolongin nenek-nenek gtu yg lg repot ngurusin taman!!y udh qt bantu,,qt nyabutin rumput,kotor-kotoran,pkknya rme bgt!!truz udh gtu qt pnya inisiatif maw ngasih sesuatu bwt nnk" tu!yah s'sdh tu qt jd pnya cita"bwt jg tim penolong..hehehe gokil bgt y!!
tp pz dah smp qt dah g kompak lg neehh sdh bgt!!y walo khairin sma mike stu smp tp qt dah g kmpk lg cz qt bda p'gaulan yyy jdx aq tgl ndirian...tp aq dah nmu sbat yg baikkkkk bgt nmax syifa!!qt dah sobatan dr klaz 2 n aq ma dya tu nyambung bgt mknnya aq g akn mau lg k'hilangan sobat cma gra" beda skulll mknx klo nty lulus n aq bda skull ma dya aq maw b'rusaha byar qt ttp sbtn
Diposting oleh rara_uchuu di 23.02 1 komentar